Below are the general terms and conditions that are part of the online handicap registration through the Estate Golf Card. This includes the duration, the cancellation policy, the conditions and the payment by the cardholder.
Article 1: Duration of the Estate Gold Card
1.1. The annual Estate Golf Card is valid for a period from January 1st through December 31st of the current calendar year. The cardholdership will be automatically renewed with the same period.
Article 2: Termination of the Estate Golf Card
2.1. The owner of the Estate Golf Card can cancel the card at any time as per January 1st, provided the cancellation takes place before December 1st of the current calendar year. For any cancellations made after December 1st, the owner will be subject to pay for the yearly costs of the next calendar year.
2.2. Cancellation of the Estate Golf Card must be sent in writing to
Article 3: Payment of the Estate Golf Card
3.1. The costs for handicap registration through the Estate Golf Card are incurred by direct debit from your bank account.
3.2. Annually, after December 1st, you will receive a request for payment of your cardholder status. In case you have not authorized Exploitatie Maatschappij Welderen to incur the amount from your bank account, you must ensure that the yearly payment is received by Exploitatie Maatschappij Welderen no later than December 15th. The costs must be paid for the entire year, even if you have been a cardholder for a partial period. No refunds will be made.
3.3. The cardholder of the Estate Golf Card authorizes Exploitatie Maatschappij Welderen to debit his/her account for the costs owned and agrees to the provisions and regulations made by bank institutions and to have taken note of the regulations for debit payments. The cardholder must ensure sufficient balance at the time when the stated amount will be incurred from the specified bank account. In case incurrent is not possible and no payment has been made, Exploitatie Maatschappij Welderen can hand over the claim to a collection agency, on which case all legal and additional costs will be charged to the cardholder.
Article 4: Terms and conditions to become a Estate Golf cardholder
4.1. The Estate Golf Card will be activated after payment. At first registration, a copy of the NGF Golf Skill Proof or NGF handicap card and/or handicap mutation must be included in the registration.
4.2. Each calendar year, each cardholder is can use the 2 greenfee vouchers at the 2 courses.
Article 5: Change of address
5.1. As an Estate Golf Cardholder you are obligated to notify us within 21 days of every change of address and changes to your bank details. This must be done per e-mail at or by using the mutation form on
Article 6: Changes to these terms and conditions
6.1. The conditions applicable to the Estate Golf Card can be changed annually at the end of each calendar year. You will be notified of any changes in writing. If you do not agree with these changes, you may cancel your cardholder status before January 1st of the new year.
6.2. The costs of the Estate Golf Card can be adjusted annually by the percentage at which the consumer price index (CPI) of all households (2006 = 100) has increased compared to the previous year.

Landgoed Golfkaart
Grote Molenstraat 173
6661 NH Elst (Gld)
Tel: 0481-376591
Golfbaan Welderen
Grote Molenstraat 173
6661 NH Elst (Gld)
Tel: 0481-376591
Golfbaan Bleijenbeek
Bleijenbeek 14
5851 EE Afferden (Lb)
Tel: 0485-530084